Our Cuisine

We feature local and continental cuisines that are rich and varied with some special indigenous Akwa Ibom delicacies peculiar only to Majesty-Realm to satisfy the cultural diversity, taste and predilections of our guests.
All meals are served à la carte. Please make your choice below.

Afang Soap

Afang is a soup made with a variety of  vegetables. It can be prepared with water leaves or okro, palm oil, assorted seafood/fish and meat varieties. This could be served with garri(eba), fufu, semovita etc. It’s a delicacy you shouldn’t miss. 

White Soup

White soup is famous to Akwa Ibom and Cross River states of Nigeria. The unique feature of this soup is that it is not cooked with Palm oil. It is usually prepared with goat meat, cat fish, beef, chicken and other protein of choice. The soup is known locally as Afia Efere. Popularly served with Pounded Yam.

Okro Soup

Okro is a rich source of dietary fiber, minerals, and vitamins and a low calorie vegetable. The French speaking countries call it gumbo while in the U.S it is referred to as okra. Some just prefer to call it draw soup. The soup consists of okro, fluted pumpkin leaves, fish(dry or fresh), beef, goat meat or any other protein of choice. Served with garri (eba), fufu, semovita, or amala.

Edikang Ikong Soup

Edikang Ikong soup is made with a generous amount of fresh fluted pumpkin leaves. It goes with protein of choice like goat meat, fish, beef, shrimps etc garnished with palm oil, and other ingredients of great nutritional value. This choice soup tastes so good and has a load of health benefits.

Egusi Soup

Egusi soup is an exotic soup that will satisfy your taste buds. It is a staple in most West African homes and is often eaten with swallows like Garri(Eba), Amala, Semovita, Pounded yam, Fufu etc. It can also be eaten over rice. 

Fisherman Soup

It is a special delicacy comprising different types of fish and other seafood. Can be eaten with semovita, garri, amala or fufu. Very irresistible.

Ekpang Nkukwo

Ekpang Nkukwo is a traditional Nigerian dish native to the people of Cross River and Akwa Ibom States. It is made with a particular specie of cocoyam, freshly grated, wrapped in leafy greens and slowly simmered with smoked fish, meat or any other protein of choice.

Chicken Pepper Soup

Chicken Pepper Soup is a great meal that makes you feel better especially if you’re coming down with a cold. It is so soothing and just warms you up from the inside.

Other delicious soups like Goat Pepper Soup and Fresh Fish Pepper Soup can also be prepared and served on request.


This is a savory delicacy prepared with chopped goat head, usually enriched with a variety of native spices. Most people love it. 

Yam and Sauce

Boiled or fried yam with pepper sauce is a delicious dish that can be served as a starter or side. With a few simple ingredients, this delicacy will be served to you in no time.

Fried Soft Noodles with Shrimps

Instant fried Noodles with Shrimps and Vegetables is a very delicious and satisfying meal that takes only about 15 minutes to put together. You will love it.

Fried Rice

Fried rice is a continental dish that’s popular in many countries including Nigeria. It’s made with assorted vegetables such as carrots, green beans, peas etc. It is often served with chicken or fish and salad.

Jollof Rice

Jollof Rice is a dish with great taste and much appeal  prepared with tomato paste and vegetables, often garnished with fried ripe plantain and served with chicken, fish or protein of choice.

Curried Chicken Maccaroni

Pasta is one of the fastest meals to make. This Chicken Curry style pasta will leave you seeking for more.

Chilled Fruit Salad

This is a delicious blend of assorted fruits like pineapple, grapes, strawberries, oranges, pawpaw and peaches. It will have everyone coming back for more.

Other dishes on our menu include:


  • Cole Slaw
  • Vegetable Salad
  • Soup of The Day


  • Curried Chicken Rice
  • Chicken in Casserole
  • Coulash in Beef
  • Poached Eggs with Curry Sauce
  • Carbonate of Beef
    Fried Rice with side salad only
  • Macaroni in Cheese Sauce
  • Fried Fish A ‘L ‘Orly
  • Spagetti Bolognaise Style
  • Jollof Rice of Fried Rice with Beef
  • Jollof Rice of Fried Rice with Fresh Fish
  • Jollof Rice with Chicken
  • Club Sandwich
  • Egg Sandwich
  • Chicken Sandwich
  • Chicken Curried Noodles
  • Fried Soft Noodles with Shrimps
  • Shrimps Fried Rice


  • Boiled Rice or Chips Potatoes, Vicky Carrot and
    Buttered Cabbage


  • Pounded Yam, Garri, Semovita, Oat Meal, Semovita
    Served with Edikang Ikong, Afang, Melon (Egusi), Okro,
    Afia Efere, Atama, Editan, Etidot Soup with:
    – Fresh Fish
    – Dry Fish
    – Goat Meat
    – Chicken
    – Beef
    – Stock Fish
    – Assorted Meat
    – Cow Particulars
    – Snail
    – Fisher Man Soup
    – Tea, Coffee or Green Tea


  • Fruit Salad
  • Turmeric Milk


  • Ekpang Nkukwo
    Enem with Tomatoe and Egg Sauce
  • Enem Porridge
  • Unripe Plantain chips with Tomato, Onion and Egg Sauce
  • Pounded Cocoyam with Beef, Chicken and Goat Meat with Choice of soup
  • Pounded Cocoyam with Fish and Choice Soup
  • Amala with Beef, Chicken and Goat meat and Choice Soup
  • Amala with Fish and Choice Soup


  • Orange Juice
  • Pineapple Juice
  • Fresh Milk


  • Oat
  • Custard
  • Cornflakes


  • A Pot of Tea or Coffee with Fresh Bread
  • A Pot of Tea of Coffee with Toast Bread
  • A pot of tea or coffee only


  • Boiled Egg
  • Scrambled Egg
  • Poached Egg
  • Fried Egg
  • Plain Omelet
  • Baked Beans
  • Sardine Omelette
  • Mushrooms Omelette
  • Spanish Omelette
  • Tomato Onions
  • Omelette Potatoe Chips
  • Plantain Chips
  • Yam Chips


  • Grilled Bacon Sausage
  • Grilled Liver Kidney
  • Gizzard


  • Fresh/Toast Bread


  • Boiled Yam or Rice and Dodo with stew served with
    – Beef of Chicken or Goat Meat
    – Fresh Fish or Dry Fish
    – Chicken Pepper Soup only
    – Chicken Pepper Soup with rice
    – Fresh Fish pepper Soup only
    – Fresh Fish pepper Soup with Rice
    – Goat Meat Pepper Soup Only
    – Goat Meat Pepper Soup with Rice
    – Fish Head
    – Isi-Ewu
    – Dry Fish pepper Soup
    – Rice with Dodo and Stew (Goat Meat)
    – Rice with Dodo and Stew (Beef)
    – Rice with Dodo and Stew (Fresh Fish or Dry Fresh)
    – Unripe Plantain Vegetable Porridge Only
    – All Meal with Fresh Fish